Pill Pilots

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To reproduce pictures found in Bristol Central Reference Library please contact them by emailing refandinfo@bristol.gov.uk.

Pill Pilotsand Westernmen 1880
Pill Pilotsand Westernmen 1880 outside the Waterloo.

From the earliest days of recorded history river pilots have navigated ships through the dangerous waters of the Bristol Channel and up the river Avon, with its twisting bends, shifting sand banks and strong currents. In the early nineteenth century, Bristol was granted rights to compulsory pilotage over the whole of the Channel. The Society of Merchant Venturers managed and regulated licenced pilots on behalf of Bristol Corporation. However, pilots were self-employed and operated in competition with one another. Pilots would sail up and down the Channel hoping to catch first sight of an incoming vessel. Competition was fierce. The first pilot to board an incoming ship secured pilotage rights, a tradition that was long established and well supported by the piloting community.

The River Frome flows into the Floating Harbour.
The River Frome flows into the Floating Harbour. A Detail from a pullout in The Port of Bristol Handbook, Bristol Docks Offices, Queen Square 1886, p68. Bristol Central Reference Library.

In the nineteenth century Bristol’s pilots, and their assistants, had to struggle to defend their jobs and their traditional way of working, particularly as steam power emerged to replace sail. Their relationship with the shipowners, masters and city authorities was a complex one, and broke down periodically into open conflict. They lived almost exclusively in Crockerne Pill, a small village, five miles from Bristol, situated on the south side of the river Avon. Pill people exhibited a lack of deference and were looked upon by the Bristol authorities, and many town-dwellers, as disorderly and difficult. As the nineteenth century progressed, however, the realization took hold that the interests of the pilots and watermen of Pill had much in common with trade unionists in Bristol and the wider labour movement.

Pill from the avon bank by Samuel Lotxton
Pill from the Avon bank. By S Loxton, 1919. Bristol Central Reference Library.

Pill pilots competed fiercely but fairly among themselves to secure the right to direct a ship through the hazardous waters of the Bristol Channel. Their experience was essential to providing the safe passage of incoming (and outgoing) vessels through the Channel with its large tidal range of 46 feet, strong currents, and shifting sand banks. Crewed by a pilot, a boatman (known as a westernman or westwardman) and an apprentice (boy), sailing cutters, built for speed, sought inward bound vessels. Each cutter (skiff) was marked with a number allocated by the Haven Master. The first cutter to hail a ship secured the right of pilotage and could guide the vessel to stretches of the river where ships could anchor, at King Road, at the mouth of the Avon, or a little further up river at Hung Road, Pill.

From Pirates to Proletarians – The Experience of the Pilots and Watermen of Crockerne Pill in the Nineteenth Century by Mike Richardson

Pilot Boats Going Out By Samuel Loxton
Pilot boats going out. By Samuel Lotton. Bristol Central Reference Library.
The River Avon from Pill.
The River Avon from Pill, looking towards Horseshoe bend.
Pill Creek
The pilot vessels in Pill Creek
Pill Creek in 2012.
Pill Creek in 2012.
Cabin of the Pilot Boat "Emma" No 20.
Cabin of the Pilot Boat “Emma” No 20. By S Loxton. Bristol Central Reference Library.
Forecastle of a Pilot Boat.
Forecastle of a Pilot Boat. By S Loxton. Bristol Central Reference Library.
A List of pill pilots 1885 with canby and case.
A List of pill pilots 1885. The Port of Bristol Handbook, Bristol Docks Offices, Queen Square, 1886 p67. Bristol Central Reference Library.
Pill Pilot towage rates.
Towage rates from The Port of Bristol Handbook, Bristol Docks Offices, Queen Square 1886, p68. Bristol Central Reference Library.
Pill pilotage rates 1886
Pill pilotage rates. The Port of Bristol Handbook, Bristol Docks Offices, Queen Square 1886, p64. Bristol Central Reference Library.

The Fury was the first steam tug on the River Avon. She was built in Newcastle in 1835 and destroyed by a boiler explotion in 1859.

In the late 1820s and early 1830s, the political and, economic and social situation was still not a favourable environment for operators to risk investing in steam tugs. Harvest failure and the increase in unemployment in 1829-30 triggered rebellions from below in the form of the Swing Riots; and the initial failure of the House of Lords to support the second Parliamentary Reform Bill resulted in major disturbances in several cities, the largest and most violent of which occurred at Bristol, in September 1831. The rioters’ ‘targets were the wealthy members of the Corporation who undemocratically ruled the city, the religious hierarchy and the prisons’ regarded as unjust and repressive. Such was the mood of the poor and disenfranchised in Bristol.

In this atmosphere, it is little wonder that the Corporation, which continued to hold on to its monopoly over pilotage, characterized by one opponent in August 1833 as ‘plunder’, showed little interest in promoting the use of steam tugs. However, matters came to a head over this issue in 1836. On 8 February, between 25 and 30 Pill men attacked the crew of the steam-tug Fury when it was anchored at Portishead, touting for the business of towing vessels to and from King Road and the Port of Bristol. The Times characterized this attack as a ‘RIOT’ and the Bristol Mercury called it a ‘DISGRACEFUL OUTRAGE AND PIRACY’. Brought in from Newcastle, the Fury was the first steam tug in Bristol to be commissioned with the specific purpose of driving down the cost of pilotage and associated work. It posed a more serious threat to Pill watermen than the occasional use of steam packets had presented.

The Fury was part owned by Mark Whitwill (senior) of the ship broking company Whitwill and King whose premises in Queens Square had been ransacked in the 1831 Bristol Riots. He was on board at the time of the attack with another part owner of the boat, a William Leedham. Armed with pistols, the assailants fired shots; one of them narrowly missed the Master of the ship but it was alleged that Whitwill was the intended target. After a struggle, the crew consisting of the Master, the Engineer and five sailors, together with Leedham and Whitwell, were forced into a rowing boat and set adrift. The assailants then attempted to scuttle the Fury but in their hurry to get away succeeded only in casting it adrift. The tug was recovered the next day with the paddles torn off and the engine damaged.

The first steam tug to appear, the Fury, met a dramatic end. In 1859, minutes after arriving at the mouth of the Avon by King Road, the boiler exploded, hurling her funnel into the air. The damaged incurred caused her to sink almost immediately. The engineer James Jones and the fireman John Case, both residents of Pill, were working below deck and were probably killed by the force of the explosion. In any event they went down with the tug and their bodies were never recovered; another crewmember, John Smith, died of his injuries a few days later.

From Pirates to Proletarians – The Experience of the Pilots and Watermen of Crockerne Pill in the Nineteenth Century by Mike Richardson

Clifton Suspension Bridge with a steam tug towing a steamer.
Clifton Suspension Bridge with a steam tug towing a steamer. Bristol & Clifton, Scholastic Trading Company Ltd., Bristol 1894. Bristol Central Reference Library.
A steamer with a steam tug under Clifton Suspension Bridge.
A steamer with a steam tug under Clifton Suspension Bridge. A post card, date unknown. Bristol Central Reference Library.
The Mayflower tug.
The Mayflower steam tug was built in 1861. It is now moored in Bristol harbour by the M Shed. It is seen here on the Sharpness Canal at Frampton-on-Severn.
Steam tugs in "Upper end Cumberland Basin"
Steam tugs in “Upper end Cumberland Basin” . By S Loxton, 1912. Bristol Central Reference Library.

It was not long before the railway came to the village; Pill station opening in 1867. Many houses were demolished to make way for the line, which was built on a brick viaduct (seven piers and six arches) nearly 100 yards long with foundations in one place laid to a depth of thirty feet. The process of construction aroused some opposition, but nonetheless provided a lift to the local economy. Moreover, the arrival of the navvies introduced a notoriously rowdy group of newcomers, some of whom set up home with local women, possibly helping to reverse the decline in population. The only data available relates to the wider Easton-in-Gordano area and shows that, after a decrease during 1841 to 1861, the population increased by nearly 11% between 1861 and 1871, rising at the even greater rate of 19% between 1871 and 1881.

From Pirates to Proletarians – The Experience of the Pilots and Watermen of Crockerne Pill in the Nineteenth Century by Mike Richardson


Pill viaduct in about 1910.
Pill viaduct in about 1910.
Pill viaduct in 2012.
Pill viaduct in 2012.
Plumb Square in Pill
Pill, Pump Square. By S Loxton. Bristol Central Reference Library.
A street in Pill, 1927.
A street in Pill, 1927. Anon. Bristol Central Reference Library.

During the 1880s, Pill pilots, while maintaining their tradition of individual competition for work, shifted away from defending their interests in isolation towards a more collectivist approach. In the process they connected to a wider labour movement beyond Pill. In October 1883, at a meeting in Bristol, the decision was made to form a national association of pilots…

The United Kingdom Pilots’ Association held its inaugural conference on 11 June 1884 in the Athenæum Hall, Bristol. Captain Henry Langdon of the Bristol Pilots’ Association became its secretary. He was aware of, and in contact with, William Morris’s Socialist League, which supported the pilots. In October 1885, he wrote to the League thanking them for their ‘sympathetic expressions, favourable to the Pilots (sic) exertions for relief from the thraldom in which they are now enveloped.’ He went on to remark that capitalists ‘grind down their employees’. The Pill seafarers had travelled a long stormy voyage; from being pirates they had become proletarians.

From Pirates to Proletarians – The Experience of the Pilots and Watermen of Crockerne Pill in the Nineteenth Century by Mike Richardson

George Cawley
A cartoon from 1896 depicting George Cawley, who was the first president of the United Kingdom Pilots’ Association. Herbert Ashman was Councillor for St Pauls and later Mayor of Bristol. The Bristol Magpie, Thursday November 5, 1896, p3. Bristol Central Reference Library.


  1. All I have is the following: A William Leedham (I believe him to be the same guy I mention in the pamphlet) died in unusual circumstances in December 1842 at the age of 45. He was standing near a stone wall looking over the River Avon “when a boy fell into the river; a crowd quickly gathered, and the deceased [Leedham] was pressed forward over the wall into the river”. He was recovered quickly but died of shock a few hours later.

    My pamphlet is here:

    Pirates to Proletarians – The Experience of the Pilots and Watermen of Crockerne Pill in the Nineteenth Century

  2. Do you happen to know anything about Sydney and William thomas? I think they might be my great-great-great grandfather and great-great grandfather, as there is a history in my family of carrying the name william forward every second generation (My brother is william, as was my grandfather, etc and the whole family was established in Pill (and still is to this day)

  3. Does anyone know anything about the legend regarding a wife and her lover being locked up in the white tower like building on the banks of the river ?

    • For Margaret…
      The white tower is known locally as Adam and Eve, the following may interest you…
      The whitewashed building set on the rocks is of dubious origin. It may be the entrance of a
      smuggler’s tunnel or a route for slaves. I like this explanation: – a young girl had a boyfriend of
      whom her father disapproved, after their elopement and recapture he built the two towers and
      locked one in each, so that they could see each other but not touch. In these mundane times
      it serves as a useful base for one of the many navigational lights.
      Towards the beginning of the 20th Century two nurses (from the nearby Ham Green Hospital)
      were swept off the rocks alongside the Adam and Eve and lost. Following that accident the
      doorway was blocked up and generally access was made more difficult to deter visitors. The
      rumour is that the doorway marks the beginning of an underground passage which may have
      connected with the Hospital (or a predeceding building).

  4. Does anyone have any information about any pilots called Andrews, particularly Gammage , my 4 x great grandfather who I believe died at sea ?
    many thanks

  5. Mrs Gillian Carter

    Can anyone give me information about my great-grandfather Thomas Henry Williams
    who lived in Phillip Street Bristol and was a tug pilot on the Avon.

  6. Pam Baldaro nee Hunt

    I am of the tribe of Pill Bounds. My g.great grandmother was Mary Ann Blinman. I am interested in tracing Captain Robert Blinman (previously a Pill Pilot). He drowned on the Steamer Mars in 1862. All of my great grandfathers sons carried the name Blinman. My childhood was full of family stories from my gran but I would like to find some official maritime records.

    • My great great grandfather, James Case (1829-1879) was a mariner on the Mars when it was wrecked & was one of the six survivors. He was from Pill(his father John, a fireman, was killed in an explosion I believe). James was to leave Bristol for Cardiff where he continued as a mariner but died there prematurely aged 50. His house is one of a terrace built by Bute, and are now listed buildings. I am currently researching his life for an article for a Bristol journal and if I find any information that you may not have,I will gladly pass it on to you – if you have not it already.

      • Dear Adrienne Roche, We have traced our paternal family history back to 1776 beyond which we are having difficulty. En route we believe that your relative,James Case, may well be directly related to our side of the ‘Case” family. The Cardiff connection is also interesting! We would be delighted to exchange any useful or interesting information with you and would be grateful to hear back from you sometime. Yours sincerely, Michael Case (warwickcase@gmail.com)

    • Hello I am a great great granddaughter of Joseph bound and would love to hear what you have found out about the family. I have a beautiful photograph of him and I have also found some court records.
      Lauren Tobia ( nee gray)

    • Hi

      Is your family name by any means related to Annie Blinman Marshall b Pill 1848 d 1933, the wife of James Edward Craddy a son of my late uncle’s gfather’s youngest brother Edward Craddy

  7. Hi I’m Bill Berry and my Great. My Great Great grandfather was Jeremiah who owned the Skiff Eliza which was passed to one of his sons also Jeremiah The first Jeremiah was baptised 1795 in Easton in Gordano and lived in Pill as did his son. Jeremiah(1st) was married to Harriet Cable. I am told that one of the Jeremiahs I’m not sure which is in the picture of the Pill pilots in the article and it has been passed down through word of mouth that one of them was also a pill pirate involved in the Fury episode, can anyone please identify the pilots in the picture as a family identity parade has resulted in my looking like most of them.

  8. Wow, what a great website. Thank you so much for all the great information on Bristol Channel pilots etc.
    Family I am searching name of Paines/Panes. Many members of the family were employed on the river from Pill to Cardiff. Article from the Bristol Times 2nd Dec. 1854- “the body of Mr. William Paines, a Pill pilot who accidently drowned on his return from Cardiff by the upsetting of a small boat”. Another died 14 June 1918 on board the tug boat White Rose off Gravesend. Also had some info re a family member taking a vessel out designed by Kingdom Brunel. That was interesting. Think it is on my computer notes – have to look it up again.
    Anyway, thanks so much for great work you have done.
    P.S. Trying to compose a sheet for this family listing their occupations with a glossary of the meanings of the titles they went by. Cheers.

    • I have only just found this interesting site. My grandfather was John Paines (Pains), in the article it lists his boat as Mazeppa. He died approx 1931 leaving my grandmother to raise my father (Gilbert) who was only 14, and 2 older siblings Rhona and John.

      • Doreen Hiscox Hoppen

        My Great Grandfather was also John Paines. My Grandmother his daughter was Mildred Olive arriving in the U S in 1910. You don’t mention her but I remember her talking about Gilbert when I was young. She continued to travel back and forth to Pill and Bristol. My mother was born in Pill in 1906 she arrived here with her older brother Ray in 1910 Mildred Olive being their mother.
        She went on to have 2 more children born in Lake Forest illinois. Mildred Olive was John Pains daughter.

  9. I have just come across this site while researching the shipwreck of the ‘Mars’ from which my 2 x grandfather survived. This is wonderful stuff as from it I think I have found also, what happened to his son and his father and the very clear photo of Pill men is brilliant. Many thanks.

  10. I will have to buy this book! How enlightening! Presently living in North Carolina, but I was raised in the Bristol area before leaving for the states. My grandfather Maurice Ellis used to tell the tales of the pilot families. I do have the family bible with many names as seen in the article. I must surmise this group was very inter-related, near nepotism clan..Ellis’, Halls Gilmour, etc. They were no doubt a very well off, tight knit bunch from Pill.

    • Hi George,

      Just to let you know that the Pamphlet on Pill pilots (Pirates to Proletarians) has been reissued as a chapter in a book about radical Bristol/West of England. It is called “Strikers, Hobblers, Conchies & Reds: A Radical History of Bristol 1880-1939” published by Breviary Stuff Publications. The authors are Dave Backwith, Roger Ball, Stephen E Hunt and Mike Richardson

    • Very interesting! We are connected to you George.

      My mum is one of Seymour E Ellis’ daughters, he was a channel pilot , brother of Maurice.

      • Well, here we are 6 years on and I’ve just come across your comments..then you must know Jane Thorpe and Phil, of course. I need to email them to see how things are over there. Where do you live now, and what was your mum’s name? Chances are I may have met her over at Seymour’s house on the Portway when I was a young boy.

  11. William Paines would be my Great- great- great Grandfather I have researched via ‘Genes Reunited’ cannot find further info so far. My Great Grandfather was a Bristol Pilot And my Grandfather was his assistant perhaps if you have any further info please let me know Ian Paines.

      • I wonder if I am related to both you and Ian.
        My grandfather was Jesse Paines who married a Carey and had children ,Jesse , Horace, Herbert Hector ( AKA Jack who was my father ) Muriel, Mary and Slyvia.

      • Jesse Paines married Ellen Mary Carey who shares a common ancestor with my great grandfather William Henry Carey IPilot).

  12. Fascinating reading I am new to this subject, but have been researching my late uncle Peter Craddy’s forbears

    Many were Pilots from Pill and Bristol. However I am not sure whether Edward J Craddy of the “Sarah” refers to James Edward Craddy 1844-1927 or his father Edward Craddy 1813-1896

    As many Craddys were Pilots, but are not mentioned here (perhaps due to a different timescsle), is it possible to find them documented elsewhere?

    • I suggest you try the Bristol Central Reference Library where lists of pilots over different time periods are available (ask for assistance at the the enquiry desk).

    • Simon
      I have just come across this site. If you are still interested I have a lot of information about the Craddy pilots and put together a family tree many years ago with the help of John Rich. To answer your question I think the “Sarah” was owned by James Edward – not his father.

  13. Hi
    I’m descended from the Ray family whom I believe we’re a family of pilots. I believe they piloted the SS Great Britain and western and also it’s been mentioned that a Ray piloted the Matthew. Can you confirm any info on this, whether they were all related and whether the pilot of the Matthew stayed on the boat rather than disembarking.
    Many thanks

    • I can confirm Thomas Ray was indeed a river pilot and that in the 1870s he attended Pill Methodist Church. I have recorded this in the Pirates to Proletarians’ pamphlet. As to other questions you ask I’m afraid I haven’t the knowledge to confirm or otherwise whether the Mathew was piloted by anyone with the Ray surname.

    • I am also a direct descendent of Thomas Ray and Sarah Vickery ( 1740 ) of Pill/Easton in Gordano through a direct paternal line. I am able to trace the family living in the area to 1120 (sic). Records are scarce before the marriage of Thomas to Sarah. You a correct regards the pilotage of Brunels’ innovative ships. As for the Mathew. It is on suppostion, as no records are available, that James Ray piloted the vessel in 1497 to open waters, i.e. the Bristol Channel. However Cape Ray, New Foundland may bear testament to this. Needless to say the Ray family is now a large and diverse one. If you wish to contact me perhaps The BRT could forward my email address to you.

      • There can’t be many people who can trace their family line back to the twelfth century! Thanks for the information.

      • Thank you Philip for this information, really interesting. It would be great to touch base with you on this and our branch of the Ray family.
        To BRT; Would BRT be able to help here?
        Many thanks

    • I am french and doing some research on our family in order to write a story. I was trrying to find information on pilots in the Bristol Channel when I found your this blog). It happened my wife’s aunt married an englishman born in Barnstaple in 1899. His name was Henry Gordon Ray and his father, Henry James. Henry James was a pilot and died wit his co-pilot Fred Gould when they attempted board the steamship Dumcruil from a pilot cutter in 1901 (Published: Thursday 22 August 1901,Newspaper: North Devon Journal)
      Was this Henry Ray related to the Ray family you mention? I would be happy to have some details if available
      Merry Christmas

  14. Thank you for this post and opportunity to comment.
    My great great grandfather was Edward Rowland. His cutter Emma was named after his daughter my great grandmother who married William Blewett (my family name). I have always been fascinated by Edward’s medicine chest, which my father was given from his grandmother.

    I am delighted to see the sketch of the inside of the cutter Emma. I will share this link with my father who lives in the UK. He has a press clipping describing some heroic rescue by Edward, I think he lost the Emma in this storm.

  15. It was said in my wife’s family that her great-grandmother, Annie Eliza Hunt, was daughter of a Pill pilot. And I see in this fascinating article that William Hunt was a pilot of “Prosperous”. I must look into that.

    Whilst the pilots were the cream of the river workers, the hobblers must have been very important until steam came along. I heard somewhere that they ruled the Avon for a while and that the New Inn at Rownham ferry was their HQ. Does anybody have any info on the hobblers?

    • We still do rule the river!

      Our shelter which we still use today has always been in Pill and was moved in the 60s from near the top of the slip to where it is now.

      I’m also related to the Hunts in Pill and William Hunt is my 4th great grandparent.

  16. The census of April 1891 shows pilot Thomas Wade of Pill Eaton-in-Gordano onboard a vessel named ‘Vulcan’.
    The churchyard in Pill has a grave showing Thomas ‘Captain’ Wade drowned at sea 23rd December 1894. Record show he drowned with 3-4 other family members (nephews) with Cope as the surnames.
    At the time of his death Thomas lived in 7 dalton Road, Southville, Bristol, having moved from Bedminster, and in the 1880’s Pill.
    I cannot find any details of the vessel they drowned in, or even the incident, which is remarkable given the apparent loss of life.
    Please, are you able to assist with any info that may solve this mystery.
    Many thanks. Simon.

    • Hello Simon,

      I have been working on my family history for about a year now. Captain Thomas Wade was my Grandmother’s Grandfather. I would appreciate any information that you may have. I have 1 photo of Captain Thomas Wade if you are interested.

      • Hi Yvonne,
        Just spotted this.
        E mail me your contact details and I’ll let you have some details (simon.selby09@bathspa.ac.uk)

    • Thomas Wade
      Died Dec. 22,1894 at sea on the ship Mary Agnes, port of registry Bridgwater; trade Ct. He was a master mariner, age 43. He drowned; vessel was supposed to have been lost. Had been living at 7 Dalton Road, Southville, Bristol, Gloucestershire, England (UK, Registers and Indexes of Births, Marriages and Deaths of Passengers and Seamen at Sea, 1891-1922)

  17. Hi my name is Mark Bullock and I am trying to trace my family that were pill pilots ( pirates my dad always referred to them as). I have only just began my search after meeting with my uncle that is trying to do the same, we have so far gone back to an Edward Bullock (of the boat called the pet) who married a Harriet Durbin in 1843, but have no information prior to this, any and all information would be great. Thanks for creating this fantastic site.

    • Hi Mark

      Edward Bullock was my 4x great uncle, his sister Ann had a daughter who ended up in Yorkshire somehow. I have just had my dna tested and it has confirmed that my 3x great gran Emma was the daughter of Ann Bullock (who married John Case the fireman mentioned in another post here who was blown up on the Fury). 3 years down the line you have probably traced further back than Edward – how far have you got?
      I moved to Bristol a few years ago from Yorkshire and was very suprised to find I had roots in Pill.

    • Hi Mark,
      Edward Bullock is my 3 x great grandfather and so I would be interested in any reasearch that you would be willing to share
      Mike Bryan

  18. My grandmother’s father was Frederick Ayres and he lived in Pill, moving to Bedminster in Bristol at the beginning of the 1900’s I believe. Does anyone have any knowledge of him, or a family connection. We believe my grandmother’s cousins were twins (ferrymen) who died by drowning when their ferry capsized. So if anyone knows what happened, and the names of the twins, I think their surname might have been Reece, but would be interested to know more.

  19. I’m hoping for some links and insight into the RICE family. It transpires that I am the 2nd cousin, twice removed, of Jim (James Joseph William) Rice who tragically drowned on his first day as ferryman. Jim’s eldest son, Bramwell, has the same given name as me! How fortunate I came upon this site….

    • Hi just came across this while doing some family tracing, I am the middle son of Bramwell Rice who was the eldest son of James Joseph Rice of Pill. there is still a lot of family in the village, and they have recently installed a plaque in honour of my Grandfather on the wall by the old ferry office in Pill.

  20. Hi my name is Steve Gibbs and i am descended from the Brooks family of Pill watermen. I have been researching my family history for a couple of years and despite being Bristol born and bred I had no previous knowledge of any connection to Pill and it’s fascinating maritime history.
    My 5x great grandfather was Samuel Brooks and his son John Brooks were both watermen. John drowned in the Bristol Channel in August 1864 (Bristol Mercury) leaving a widow Mary and eight children. At the time they were living at Union Row.
    I also believe that John’s son (also John) was one of the men charged with obstruction that later appeared before magistrates as mentioned in the book. Although the spelling is listed as Brookes I cannot find anyone else with this name living in the area at the time on the census.
    If anyone has any information on the Brooks family however small I really would greatly appreciate hearing from them.

    • Hi Steve,
      i am looking into my family history, John Brooks born about 1806, was a water boatman in Pill.
      was is my 2 times great grand father, i am unable to find out any thing about him, other than her was married to Mary and had eight children.
      On the 1841 census he is living in Union Row, and on the 1861 Census in Union Row i can find a Mary and children, Mary states she is a sailors wife, i have also found a John Brooks in the 1861 census at sea? states which states Town off Holins?, Mics ships at sea, and Ves? Shearwater.
      i don’t know if this is the same John Brooks. If you wish to contact me you are more than welcome

  21. I’m also looking for information about the Rice family. I’ve found that William Rice was a pilot who captained (I think) a boat called the Lyn. He’s listed in various family tree references as having died at sea – Bristol Channel. I’ve also found a reference to the Lyn having been wrecked at Barnstaple in 1888 but the master at that time is listed as A Ray. Any insights would be very helpful!! Thanks.

    • Hi. I have lots of info on the Rice family’s as my wife and I do family history, also photos of some of the Rice family. In the early 60s I spent 6 weeks in the summer holidays over in Pill with my second cousin Antony Rice. I live in Caerleon which is only about 45 minutes drive to pill. If I can help you please let me know. Regards Don. I’m also on Facebook under name of Don R Tamplin

      • Hi, this is really interesting. Bert Rice was my Grandads brother..though only half as my grandad took his mother’s name before she married. They all had the same mother. I remember Anthony well. It’s unfortunate that I didn’t have your name before as I organised a reunion for all descendants of Louisa Rice…my great grandmother.

      • My ancestry is through the Rice family – as far back as I have managed so far I am a 7x Great Grandson of John Rice who was born c1675. Any information and insights I will be happy to exchange.
        Regards, Bram Nash

    • Hi Terry,
      I’m almost certainly “missing out” on several RICE family names. As far back as I have gone so far, I know I am a 7x Great Grandson of John Rice who was born c1675.

  22. Morning, I have been commissioned by the Owls to write their history for the 100 year anniversary this year. They will use the book to raise additional charitable donations. Two things. 1. There are some great facts on here in the main article that I would love to quote in the book to help with the background of the Owls. Will that be OK and to whom should I credit the copyright if used? 2. If anyone who is using this site (Or the authors of course) has any old pictures of the Owls or Pill people in Top hats and cloaks then could they please contact me if they are willing to share? My email is alanvowles@msn.com. The deadline for publishing is end of March 2019. Thank you in anticipation.

  23. michael richardson

    Hi Alan, sorry for the late reply. I’m the author of the pamphlet. For quotes, simply add a reference to the author (Mike Richardson) title of the pamphlet, publisher (Bristol Radical History Group) and page number.

  24. In response to ‘Phillip SJ Ray’ posted 10th August 2016 – Does this help……. you mention “Thomas Ray and Sarah Vickery ( 1740 )” . Could this be ‘Sarah Vicaree’ ? I which case, this is a sample from my family tree:
    1. Thomas Ray (Abt 1740-abt 1787) – m. 1 Jan 1762 Sarah Vicaree (Abt 1745-Abt 1821)
    1.1 William Ray(Abt 1762-18Sep1829) – m. 15Jan 1787Sarah Gilmore(Abt 1767-Abt DEC1841)

    Please let me know if this is helpful.

  25. delayed reply for Phillip Ray – ref your comment Thomas Ray and Sarah Vickery. Could this be Sarah Vicaree? Thomas Ray (1740) and Sarah Vicaree (1745) married 1762 are in my family tree.

  26. In the process of tracing my family history I have discovered that my gt gt grandfather was listed as a mariner on the 1871 census living in Under banks in Pill
    On looking further I noticed that many of the other occupants in that area were also mariners
    On finding this site, I am putting out a request for any information on that area and / or my family
    His name was William Hale born about 1829 and his son in law William Stevens I know was also a mariner and tug boat captain in Cardiff
    Any information would be great
    Sincere thanks

    • Hi Jane,

      I have information on the marriage between William Hale and Mary Ann Carey in 1850 both 22years. Williams father is John Hale a Waterman. They married in the parish church in Easton in Gordano.
      In the 1861 census living with the Carey family I have a William Hale (born circa 1854) he is listed as the grandson of Thomas Carey (head). In the 1871 census he is listed as a mariner and nephew of Thomas Carey. I think this William Hale is the son of William and Mary Ann Hale.

      I don’t know if this is a relation to your William Hale.

      Hope this is of help, Emma.

  27. As a 7x great grandson of John Rice born c1675 in St George/Pill, I discover that many on my family tree were connected to pilotage and other marine activities. I am quite happy to “trade” any information.
    Regards, Bram Nash

  28. My 3x great grandfather William Clark is down on his sons wedding certificate as pilot but he lived in lower guinea Street. Given the great distance away from people did pill pilots give way to Bristol pilots once in the floating Harbour or new cut? I have not heard of this but it seems odd that somebody living in Redcliffe would be down as a pilot if pilotage was exclusive to pill? Of course the term pilot in the wedding certificate could be more loosely taken to mean a Riverman perhaps?

  29. Would anyone have information or a Sharp family who I believe were either pilots or boat men living in Pill. My great grandfather Mark Sharp who move from Pill to work at the new dock which was opened in Port Talbot by the then Talbot family. Any information would help me with my family search.

  30. Would anyone have any information on the Sharp family from Pill which would help me with my family search. My great grand father was William Sharp from Pill who moved to Port Talbot to work at the new dock which had been built my the then Talbot family, unsure if he was a boatman or a pilot. I believe he was originally born in Oldsbury.
    If you are to held it would be much appreciated.

  31. Sorry!!!! William Sharp would have been my ggrandfather, Mark Sharp I mentioned in my previous post being my great grand father the son of William.

  32. Hi,
    I was wondering if you have any information on the Carey’s listed: George Carey, Edwin Carey, John Carey and Thomas Carey.
    I believe I am related to a Thomas (born ~1800) and Edwin Carey (born ~1832) both listed in the census as mariners or sailors located in Pill.
    I wonder if the Carey’s listed are related in any way.
    Thanks, Emma

  33. I am trying to find additional information on ancestors that are listed on Pilots & Mariners in various census, marriage, baptism records. Are the surnames Thayer, Thomas, or Tippett known by anyone? [For example, in1861 England census shows Thomas Thayer (age 15) aboard the ship, “Brothers”, as apprentice with Joseph Tippett – age 38 (Pilot/Master), George Thayer (age 20) Able Bodied Seaman, & Arthur Thomas (age 24)-Able Bodied Seaman. Ship is Off of Lundy Island.]

    • Hi, I have just seen your post. I am a direct descendent of the Joseph Shepherd Tippett (born 20/02/1823) and his wife Drusilla Ball you mention. I have information on the Tippetts and the Thayers with whom they are linked in a number of ways. The Thomas family lived next door. Are you still interested ?

      • Hi Paul,
        I’m very interested to hear that you’re descended from Joseph and Druscilla Tippett. I’m currently researching the events surrounding the death of their son George at Ilfracombe in December 1871 after being shot on Lundy. Understandably, there are plenty of contemporary press reports of the event (some more reliable than others!), but other than censuses and registration records, I can find no personal information on George and his background.
        He was clearly the son of a Pill Pilot and working with his father, but do you have any other information about him, his background, or the aftermath of that tragic event?
        Many thanks,

  34. I have two 3x great grandfathers – Thomas Taylor dob 1794 of Pill and Philip Tanswell dob 1722 of Bristol. Thomas’s occupation included Waterman and Mariner. Philip’s occupation was a Mariner in 1796 and again in 1812 but at other times was a Victualler, with several different pubs in the Redcliffe area of Bristol. Towards the end of his life he was a Master Porter.
    In looking at all the records I have for these two men I cannot see that either of them ‘sailed the seven seas’ so I am wondering if their description as a Mariner was because of something closer to home – to do with piloting (although had they been pilots they would have been recorded as such), or possibly coastguards?
    My late brother told me that our grandfather (great grandson of Philip Tanswell) had told him that his ‘grandfather’ was a pirate! Perhaps he meant privateer. His Will in 1819 does indicate he did pretty well for himself.
    I am hoping someone can explain why these men referred to themselves as Mariners when it does not seem likely that they actually went to sea.
    Many thanks

  35. My mother was a Carey from Shirehampton. Checking through the list of Pilots and cross checking other records I see various uncles, cousins etc recorded. I’m interested in who owned the skiff/cutters. Were they owned by the licensed Captain or by the Port of Bristol Authority who issued the licenses? My great grandfather, Horatio Nelson Carey crewed the “Nelly” with his older brother George as Captain. Horatio eventually joined the merchant service and crewed ships to the far east and back, eventually moving across the water from Pill to Shirehampton. He is buried in St George’s church with his wife Emma.

    • My great grandfather was William Henry Carey a pilot from Pill. Was your ggf married to Emma Jane Marshall? If so the common ancestor would be William Carey(1763-1841) (his son George m. Rachel Pool. My ggf is descended from George’s brother William who married Ann Jefferson.

  36. Hi, I have an Indenture document for a John Lord from Lynmouth, he was an apprentice for 4 years from 11/05/1855 with Mark Whitwill signing the document as Master. I was hoping that you may have some knowledge of the ships owned by Mark Whitwill or where I might find this information, thank you

  37. Try looking here:


    doing research myself as I’m a descendant of the Whitwills.

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