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Thatcher’s Cold

Vasquez: All right, we got seven canisters of CN-20. I say we roll them in there and nerve gas the corpse just to make sure. Hicks: That's worth a try, but we don't know if it's gonna affect her. Ripley: I say we fire the corpse into low earth orbit and nuke it. It's the only way to be sure. Hudson: Fuckin' A! Burke: Hold on a second. Thatcher's history has a substantial dollar value attached to it. Ripley: They can bill me. Burke: Okay. This is an emotional moment for all of us. I know that. […]

Unfinished Business

Thomas Venner and the Fifth Monarchists Insurrection (6th January 1661) Some members of BRHG, 'The James Nayler Brigade' travelled to London on Sunday to support our comrade 5th Monarchists and Muggletonians. Armed with hatchets and a pike (which we had buried some years ago in readiness for the reimposition of the satanic monarchy) we helped storm the Guild Hall and St. Paul's in celebration of the 5th Monarchist rising against the return of the King on 6th january 1661. One of the leaders of […]

Balls to War

a Sports Report from 1170 A.D. to the Present

The above film 'Balls to War: a Sports Report from 1170 A.D. to the Present' was submitted to BRHG by the poet and activist Heathcote Williams whose poetry has featured in several of our events over the last couple of years. This is definitely worth a watch especially for the amazing photographs concerning the fraternisation between British and German front-line troops on Christmas Day 1914. Now we all know about this story, well, I was certainly 'educated' about it at school. How German troops […]

Bye-Laws, Rules, & Orderes – 1853

Bye-Laws, Rules and Orders - 1853
Bye-Laws, Rules, & Orderes, for the Conduct, Management, & Government of all Pilots and Others Employed in any Pilot Boats or Other Vessels or Boats within the Port Of Bristol and within the Bristol Channel to the Eastward of Lundy Island, and or fixing and ascertaining the Rates and Taxes to be received and taken by such pilots and other persons, and for Repealing All Former Bye-Laws, Rules and Orders, Relating To Such Pilots &c Bristol: Printed at the Mirror Office By John Taylor […]

Kings Cross Tube Fire 25 years on

Health and Safety, Fight Club and neo-liberal logic

transparent fiddle Kings Cross Tube Fire 25 years on
Today (18th Nov 2012) is the 25th anniversary of the fire at Kings Cross tube station which killed 31 people and injured over 100 (see ) . The fire was 'blamed' at the time on a lit match which fell below the escalator and began the deadly inferno. The fire and subsequent inquiry led to the banning of smoking in stations, the phasing out of wooden escalators and forced London Underground to invest in heat and smoke detection systems, automatic sprinkler systems, CCTV and improved public address […]

Bold Defiance

Downlaod this article as a PDF file. The Spitalfields Silk Weavers: London’s Luddites? Pretty much everyone has heard of the Luddites, although many people still have a misconception about the reasons why they destroyed machinery. The weavers of Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire, Lancashire and Leicestershire smashed machine looms not because they were blindly opposed to progress, or afraid of new technology, but because the introduction of machinery was undermining the livelihoods of themselves and […]

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