Taking a Holiday tells the amazing story of the secret beneath a Bedminster bike shop. It is a story of struggle in wartime – full of intrigue, escapes, comradeship…and bikes. What does it mean to be a refugee and on the run in your own country? Who will give you a bed for the night, a job… or a means of escape? A table top and shadow puppet show based on the true stories of ordinary people in 1916/17, and the hidden history of the resistance to the war machine.
Otherstory will be performing their puppet show – Taking a Holiday – at Bedminster Library (4, Bedminster Parade, Bristol BS3 4AQ) on Thursday October 25th at 7.30 pm. Professor Lois Bibbings (from University of Bristol and Remembering the Real WW1) will give an introduction to the show.
Tickets £5 (£3 concessions)
Booking: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/taking-a-holiday-puppet-show-tickets-49851612515
No-one refused entry for lack of funds – but please contact us to book a seat: 07501 614256