Epiphany : directed by Suzy Gillett : produced by Ian Bone : 2013
Epiphany is a hybrid documentary evoking the Mystics and Anarchists of the English Revolution. Highlighting two little-known religious and political movements of the 1600s’ Republic, The Fifth Monarchists and the Muggletons come to life in London as told by contemporary leading anarchists: Ian Bone and Martin Wright star as John Thurloe (Cromwell’s spymaster) and Thomas Vennner. Venner led the only uprising through the city against the restoration of the monarchy in 1661. Epiphany is a modern take on the parallels of the revolutionaries of the 1660s and today’s ongoing fight against the monarchy and the City of London corporation.
See also: https://www.brh.org.uk/site/articles/unfinished-business/
Mark Francis
Where can I see this ?
I have written a novel abut it.