BRHG brings together a selection of posters of the Mozambican Revolution from the ‘Our Sophisticated Weapon’ exhibition and other archival material relating to the campaign for independence and the ensuing civil war.
Speaker: 11.30am – Dave Spurgeon will guide you through the exhibits.
Dave will provide a brief history of Mozambican independence, how it supported and inspired liberation struggles across Southern Africa and the price it paid which impacted its own development. He will identify the challenges the country has faced and talk about the current situation. The talk will reference the solidarity link Bristol has with Beira in Mozambique which grew out of Bristol Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM).
A full exhibition of ‘Our Sophisticated Weapon: Posters of the Mozambican Revolution’ will be held by Bristol Link with Beira at Bristol Central Library from 12 May to 15 June 2025 commemorating 50 years of Mozambican Independence and 35 years of Bristol’s Link with Beira through its twin city status.