Protests, Petitions, and Persuasion

The fight against school closures in south Bristol, 2000–2001

Publication Details
Number: 64
By: Mike Richardson
Edition: 2024
ISBN: 978-1-911522-77-5
Number of pages: 43
Number of images: 5
Format: Stapled Pamphlet
Page Details
Section: BRHG Publications
Subjects: Activism
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Anatomy of a campaign

At the beginning of this century, residents of Hartcliffe and Withywood in Bristol were shocked to hear that the city council planned to close two of their local primary schools.

Children, parents and teachers, including Mike Richardson, the author of this pamphlet, mobilised to oppose these closures.

The ensuing campaign organised public meetings, wrote petitions and held demonstrations in the city centre, as well as adopting some less orthodox direct action in their bitter determination to save Whitehouse and Gay Elms schools.

This is the story of their campaign.

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